List of refereed journal articles, conference proceedings, preprints, and communications.
- A Discrete Element Method based-approach for arched masonry structures under blast loadsEngineering Structures, 2020
- Rocking response of inverted pendulum structures under blast loadingInternational Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019
- A nonlinear approach to the wind strength of Gothic Cathedrals: The case of Notre Dame of ParisEngineering Structures, 2019
- Blast actions in aircrafts: An integrated methodology for designing protection devicesEngineering Structures, 2018
- On the origin of the cracks in the dome of the Pantheon in RomeEngineering Failure Analysis, 2018
Book chapters
F Masi. ''Introduction to regression methods.'' In: Machine Learning in Geomechanics, vol. I (in press – postprint). Ed. by I Stefanou and F Darve. Wiley, ISTE, 2024.
F Masi and I Stefanou. “Physics-informed and thermodynamics-based artificial neural networks for constitutive modeling”. In: Machine Learning in Geomechanics, vol. II (in press – postprint). Ed. by I Stefanou and F Darve. Wiley, ISTE, 2024.
Reviewed international conferences
A Morsel, F Masi, I Stefanou, P Kotronis, G Racineux, and E Marché. ''Reduced-scale testing of masonry structures to explosions.'' In: 9th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Concrete Technology: ICSECT 2024, London, United Kingdom, April 14 – 16 2024 (Accepted – in press).
F Masi, I Stefanou, P Vannucci, and V Maffi-Berthier. ''Material modeling via thermodynamicsbased artificial neural networks.'' In: Geometric Structures of Statistical Physics, Information Geometry, and Learning. Ed. by F Barbaresco and F Nielsen. Les Houches, France: Springer International Publishing, 27–31 July 2021, pp. 308–329. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-77957-3_16.
F Masi, I Stefanou, P Vannucci, and V Maffi-Berthier. ''Response of monumental buildings to internal explosions.'' In: 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. Ed. by M Papadrakakis and M Fraiadakis. Crete, Greece, 24-26 June 2019. doi: 10.7712/120119.6958.19630.
F Masi, I Stefanou, P Vannucci, and V Maffi-Bertier. “Rocking response and overturning of museum artefacts due to blast loading (invited keynote)”. In: 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. Ed. by M Papadrakakis and M Fraiadakis. Crete, Greece, 24-26 June 2019. doi: 10.7712/120119.7119.19577.
F Masi, I Stefanou, P Vannucci, and V Maffi-Berthier. ''Discrete Element Method approach for the preservation of the architectural heritage against explosions.'' In: 12th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics. Thessaloniki, Greece, 22-25 September 2019.
F Masi, I Stefanou, P Vannucci, and V Maffi-Berthier. ''Michelangelo’s David or Aphrodite of Milos: Who is More Resistant to Blast Loads?'' In: 12th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics. Thessaloniki, Greece, 22-25 September 2019.
Reviewed national conferences
F Masi and I Stefanou. ''Réseaux de neurones artificiels basés sur la thermodynamique (TANN) pour la mécanique computationnelle et la modélisation multi-échelle.'' In: 25e Congrès Français de Mécanique - S22 - Approches multi-échelles en mécanique des solides. Nantes, France, 29 August - 2 September 2022.
F Masi, I Stefanou, A Morsel, and P Kotronis. ''Reduced-scaled experiments of masonry structures under blast loads.'' In: 25e Congrès Français de Mécanique - S31 - Choc, impact et explosion. Nantes, France, 29 August - 2 September 2022.
G Piunno, F Masi, I Stefanou, and C Jommi. ''Multi-scale modelling of natural composites via Thermodynamics-based Artificial Neural Networks.'' In: 25e Congrès Français de Mécanique - S22 - Approches multi-échelles en mécanique des solides. Nantes, France, 29 August - 2 September 2022.
Other international publications
A Morsel, F Masi, I Stefanou, P Kotronis, G Racineux, and E Marché. ''Reduced-scale testing of masonry structures to explosions (poster).'' In: 34th Workshop ALERT Geomaterials, Aussois, France. 2023.
A Morsel, F Masi, I Stefanou, and P Kotronis. ''Design of reduced-scale experiments of masonry structures subjected to blast loads (poster).'' In: 33rd Workshop ALERT Geomaterials, Aussois, France. 2022.
F Masi and I Stefanou. ''Thermodynamics-based Neural Networks: a general framework for modeling microstructured materials displaying path-dependency (poster).'' In: 32nd Workshop ALERT Geomaterials, Aussois, France. 2021.
F Rabie, F Masi, and I Stefanou. ''Thermodynamics-based Artificial Neural Networks for Nonlinear Seismic Analysis of High-rise Buildings (poster).'' In: 32nd Workshop ALERT Geomaterials, Aussois, France. 2021.
Conference communications
F Masi. “Unraveling the behavior of masonry structures under explosions and data-driven approaches for computational mechanics (invited speaker)”. In: 15e colloque national en calcul des structures. Giens, France, 16-20 May 2022.
F Masi and I Stefanou. “Data- and thermodynamics-driven discovery of state variables and evolution equations”. In: 41stInternational Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering. Paris, France, 18-22 July 2022.
F Masi and I Stefanou. “Multiscale modeling of inelastic microstructured materials with TANN”. In: 18th European Mechanics of Materials Conference. Oxford, UK, 4-6 April 2022.
F Masi and I Stefanou. “Understanding the behavior of masonry structures subjected to blast loads”. In: International Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics. Alghero, Italy, 13-16 June 2022.
F Masi. “Mechanics and Deep Learning for protecting cultural heritage against explosions (invited speaker)”. In: 6th ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference. Valencia, Spain, 7-9 July 2021.
F Masi and I Stefanou. “Thermodynamics-based Artificial Neural Networks (TANN) and constitutive modeling”. In: Mechanistic Machine Learning and Digital Twins for Computational Science, Engineering & Technology. San Diego, CA, USA, 26-29 September 2021.
F Masi and I Stefanou. “Thermodynamics-based Artificial Neural Networks for the constitutive modeling of inelastic materials”. In: 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics. Paris, France, 11-15 January 2021.
F Masi, I Stefanou, P Vannucci, and V Maffi-Berthier. “Micro-modelling of masonry structures under blast loads via a Discrete Element Method approach”. In: 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics. Paris, France, 11-15 January 2021.
F Masi, I Stefanou, P Vannucci, and V Maffi-Berthier. “Masonry vaults under explosive loads”. In: 7th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. Crete, Greece, 24-26 June 2019.
F Masi, I Stefanou, P Vannucci, and V Maffi-Berthier. “Étude de la réponse structurale de structures à géométrie complexe aux explosions: le cas du Panthéon de Rome”. In: 2e Édition des Jounées Nationales Maçonnerie. Marne-la-Vallée, France, 22-23 March 2018.
F Masi, I Stefanou, P Vannucci, and V Maffi-Berthier. “Simulations of blast effects in monumental structures”. In: 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics. New York, NY, USA, 22-27 July 2018.
F Masi, I Stefanou, P Vannucci, and V Maffi-Berthier. “Une approche non-linéaire pour l’étude de la résistance au vent d’une cathédrale gothique: Notre Dame de Paris”. In: 2e Édition des Jounées Nationales Maçonnerie. Marne-la-Vallée, France, 22-23 March 2018.